Paper 1
Basics about Paper 1
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes at SL and HL
Weighting: 30% at SL; 20 % at HL
This paper is a stimulus-based paper on a topic taken from one of the four core units. Four stimuli [sources] are presented, which may be written, pictorial or diagrammatic, and which link to one of the four core units. Students must answer all four structured questions.
The same paper is set at both SL and HL.
The maximum mark for this paper is 25. The paper is marked using a paper-specific analytic markscheme and for the fourth question, markbands are additionally used. The questions in this paper assess the following objectives.
Q1- 5 mins, Q2- 10 mins, Q3- 25 mins, and rest for Q4- 35 mins
While the following will make more sense after you review the "how to" on each of the questions, do take these suggestions from the Senior Examiner for Global Politics Paper 1 very seriously:
While it is acknowledged that candidates completing Global Politics Paper 1 are under time pressure, please stress to students the importance of maintaining clear handwriting. Where appropriate, students with typing needs should be provided this, in accordance with IB access arrangements.
For question 2 – candidates should give a real, contemporary example of what is requested by the question for full marks. It is also advised to write about the source and their own example in two separate paragraphs.
Practice the structure and skills required for question 3: Analyse the source and extract direct points within the sources which contrast/and or compare and then present these as a running contrast, with each contrast on a separate paragraph, i.e. C/D, C/D, C/D, C/D.